Recently,Covid-19 is surging once again in Canada, the US and in parts of Europe. So it’s easy to feel a sense of desperate times like this. However, hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Hope, in fact, is the opposite of despair. Whereas despair creates inaction and depression, hope motivates us and gives us the energy to tackle obstacles and to keep moving forward. Hope helps us to see that there are many positive possibilities ahead of us. It whispers things will get better. The week did get better. While Covid cases are on the rise, we also know much more about how to manage the virus and how to protect ourselves.
近日,北美和欧洲的疫情越发严重,我们对病毒的恐惧也更容易让我们产生绝望的情绪。但是,只要我们还抱有希望,走到黑暗的尽头便会出现光明。绝望到尽头便是希望,我们希望皇家学子在疫情期间,不要被绝望造成无所作为和沮丧打败,而是要充满希望,激励自己有能力克服障碍并不断前进! 希望可以帮助我们看到前方更多积极的可能性。
In fact, here in southern Vancouver Island, we are so fortunate to have very few active cases of covert and this has allowed us to continue without a measured approach to reopening facilities and returning to work on campus. We are taking a close look at what others are doing and what might work for us, including different options for working on campus and working at home. But what makes royal road special, in my view, is the power of our place, the vitality of our community when we come together, and the magical alchemy of our blended programs. And that is a model we need to fight for because I believe it will determine our future success. So we put in place all the measures we can to make our campus safe for those who are able to return. I am also confident that we will be ready to welcome some students back to campus in January.